I mentioned, in a recent post, that while I have no affection for
Mr. Trump, I thought the American military response, to the
recent chemical weapons attack in Syria, was the right one.
I still believe this, I am nonetheless struck by Mr. Trump's dizzying
lack of consistency, and competence, and sense of understanding, when it
comes to foreign affairs.
While this is not a surprise--this was all evident, during the campaign--it is still disorienting.
Mr. Trump said, after the chemical attack: “My attitude toward Syria and Assad has changed very much."
One would have thought he would have sufficiently understood, prior to
this atrocity, what Mr. Assad is like. But then, this is a president
who said in late February, "Nobody knew health care could be so
complicated." Actually, a great many people did. And a great many
people already knew what Assad was capable of.