Friday, September 10, 2010

September 11th

After some doubt as to what would occur, Florida pastor Terry Jones’s son says that the pastor’s plan to burn copies of the Koran on September 11th will not be taking place.

The minister‘s plan to burn the Koran was not simply vile, and dangerous. It also struck me as being utterly narcissistic.

September 11th has been (and should continue to be) a day focused upon memory, and tribute:  honoring the many victims of the 2001 catastrophe.  And honoring the many acts of courage and great heroism which took place that day.

Yet Mr. Jones—in what appears to have been profound self-centeredness—was re-directing the focus of September 11th.  America (and the world) would be directing its attention to him, and his plans, and his beliefs.

Let me also say the following:  in New York, tomorrow, protests/rallies will evidently be taking place. One side will be protesting against the planned mosque and Islamic center, to be built not far from Ground Zero. The other side will be rallying in support of the mosque.

I would hope these events can be postponed, and that September 11th can be observed as it has been observed in previous years: in reflection, in prayer, in gestures of remembrance, and in acts of public service.  September 11th should not be a day for protests, rallies, ideological confrontation.