Sunday, November 3, 2019

The death of al-Baghdadi: "The ‘Whimpering’ Terrorist Only Trump Seems to Have Heard"

From the November 1st New York Times article, below:

"As for Mr. al-Baghdadi, it is certainly true that there was no mourning his death in Washington this week. During his five-year reign, the Islamic State proved itself one of the most brutal terrorist organizations on the planet, establishing a murderous rule over millions while beheading and raping captured Americans.

"Nor did anyone argue with the characterization of Mr. al-Baghdadi as a coward after he detonated a suicide vest with children nearby on Sunday, killing them along with himself.

"But that was apparently not enough for Mr. Trump. In his announcement and subsequent question and answer session, he used the word 'whimpering' six times, 'crying' five times and 'screaming' four times."